HVLS industrial ceiling fans (High volume low speed fan) offers great benefits, benefits you will see in the line below. Even investing in HVLS industrial ceiling fans is one of the smartest things you can do for your business.
So what exactly are the benefits of HVLS fan?
Learn more about HVLS fan here
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Improve employee performance
How can HVLS fans improve productivity? The truth is, uncomfortable workers are unfocused workers. If your employees are stressed about being too hot or too cold in your inventory, they will not adjust the work in their hands. Traditional HVAC solutions work to pull in air from the outside and blow out the old air. But the truth is, this exchange takes place above the warehouse, with effects that almost don’t feel on the ground below. HVLS industrial ceiling fans will alleviate that problem immediately.
Air tends to stratify. In other words, it separates into different thermal layers, with the hottest air above and the coolest air below. This is a large part of the reason traditional HVAC systems have difficulty accessing the ground. HVLS fans stratify air, mix different layers together and balance temperature.
Increase safety (and inventory quality)
Even on a day that doesn’t feel particularly wet, rest assured that water is moving in the air. When that unrecognizable steam accumulates, it will cause problems and that collection occurs in the coolest spots available. In warehouses, the distribution of heat is uneven in the air, causing water to settle on exposed materials, adversely affecting quality.
Do you know one of the most common condensation points? Cool concrete floor. That represents the risk of stumbling for your employees, putting them at risk. When the air is dark, the HVLS fan helps disperse the steam.
See more: Industrial ceiling fans help ensure the quality of goods
Save maintenance costs
HVLS industrial ceiling fans require much less maintenance than their smaller industrial ceiling fans. Combined with impressive longevity and HVLS fan is a good investment. And if maintenance is needed, you can count on us for reliable HVLS fan maintenance service.
HVLS industrial ceiling fans – Easy installation
We know what you are thinking: You don’t have the time or the capital to equip your ducts to fit the new HVLS ceiling fans. In that case, you will be happy to know that HVLS fans do not require active ducts. The fan can operate automatically if needed or work with your current HVAC system. This keeps your investment low and your profits high, especially considering the incredible performance provided by HVLS industrial ceiling fans.

Greentec install HVLS industrial ceiling fans
Workers are more productive, inventory quality is more reliable, less maintenance and significantly lower heating and cooling costs. It is an impressive list, the effects turned into tangible savings for your business.
If you have any questions or need advice on choosing an appropriate industrial ceiling fan, please contact us for a free consultation.
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