17 Nov HVLS Fans bring Cooling Space
The high volume, low speed HVLS fan is designed to circulate the air in your facility more efficiently and effectively.
Rotating at an optimized low speed, a Greentec high volume, low speed (HVLS) industrial fan moves the most air over the largest area at the lowest cost. HVLS fans slowly circulate a large amount of air. Air is pulled from above the fan and pushed down in a conical shape to the floor below. These fans are now being used in warehouses, distribution centers, gymnasiums, and a variety of other applications.
HVLS fans have benefits year-round.
They keep people cool in the summer and in the winter can be used for de-stratification, a process that mixes warm air from the ceiling with cooler air at the floor. Creating a more comfortable environment while saving on energy costs. Rotating at an optimized low speed, a Greentec high volume, low speed (HVLS) industrial fan moves the most air over the largest area at the lowest cost.
HVLS fans slowly circulate a large amount of air. Air is pulled from above the fan and pushed down in a conical shape to the floor below. These fans are now being used in warehouses, factories, sport centers, gymnasiums, church, super market, daily farm and a variety of other applications.
With the control panel, users can optimize the year-round performance of Greentec HVLS fans throughout a single facility, maximizing the energy savings and comfort they deliver..
Greentec HVLS fan is low cost, high-efficiency climate control, delivering the most air movement of any HVLS fan on the market. Featuring blade diameters up to 7.3m Revolution is ideal for large facilities with high ceilings.
Available in 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m, 5m, 5.5m, 6m, 6.5m, 7m and 7.3m diameters
Simple on/off button
Adjustable speed control
Custom colors are available
Three-way motor-to-hub safety connection
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